Cardiology window
Interesting ECG
Sunday, 6 June 2021
Praveen's Indian Cardiology Board Review and Self-Assessment, Releasing soon
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
PRAVEEN'S INDIAN CARDIOLOGY BOARD REVIEW AND SELF ASSESSMENT (WhatsApp number to book you copy 91-9013715208)
Book your copy on WhatsApp number 919013715208 (Praveen Gupta)
Price: Rs 2500 + Delivery charges (In India)
Main highlights of the book
Completely solved papers of AIIMS (2013, 2014, 22016) and
JIPMER (2015) DM cardiology entrance exam
398 multiple choice question
55 colored, high-resolution images with copyright permission (Echocardiography, ECG,
cardiac catheterization, X-ray)
Detailed explanation with references
References from standard books (Braunwald’s Heart Disease, Park pediatric cardiology, Perloff pediatric cardiology,
Hurst, Harrison textbook of Medicine)
References from high impact factor journals ( NEJM, JACC,
Circulation, BMJ)
Ithenticate certified (Ithenticate score<1%)
Language: American English
Thank you
Dr. Praveen Gupta
New Delhi, India
WhatsApp number: 919013715208
Email. id:
Saturday, 25 July 2020
Anterior wall myocardial infarction with first degree AV block
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH)
Thursday, 7 March 2019
WPW syndrome
ECG normal sinus rhythm @ 100 beats per minute, normal axis, PR 80 msec, Positive delta wave in lead V1, negative delta wave in II, III, avF. Reciprocal ST-segment depression with T wave inversion is seen in lead II, III, aVF. Also, ST-segment depression with T wave inversion is seen in lead I, avL, V3-V6. Sudden transition is seen in from lead V1 to V2. QT interval 420 msec.
How to localize pathway in WPW syndrome?
Thank you
Sunday, 3 March 2019
Mahaim fiber tachycardia
ECG is showing broad complex regular tachycardia @ 250 beats per minute, QRS duration of 130 msec, QRS of LBBB morphology, left axis deviation with axis is less than -30 degrees (lead I and avF negative, lead II is negative so the axis is less than -30 degrees), negative concordance in seen in lead V1 to V6, initial activation of QRS in lead V1 is sharp (kindly see initial R wave in lead V1), no capture beat, no fusion beat, or no AV dissociation seen.
Sinus ECG: Sinus rhythm @100 bpm, normal axis, PR160 msec, QT interval 280 msec, Loss of Q waves in lead V5, and lead V6 along with QRS transition in lead V4 suggestive of subtle pre-excitation.
There is no evidence of any short PR interval or any delta wave. Also, the baseline QRS is also normal.
- Nodoventricular fibers
- Fasciculoventricular fibers
- Atriofascicular connections, which account for approximately 80 percent Mahaim fibers, have a long intracardiac course and insert into the distal right bundle or right ventricle near its apex, often with arborization. A possible morphologic and functional explanation for these connections, involving the moderator band, has been proposed.
- Atrioventricular pathways, accounting for approximately 20 percent of Mahaim fibers, insert proximally into the right ventricle near the atrioventricular annulus close to the conducting system.
- QRS axis between 0 and minus 75º
- QRS duration of 0.15 seconds or less
- R-wave in lead 1
- rS complex in lead V1
- Precordial transition in lead V4 or later
- Cycle length between 220 and 450 milliseconds (heart rates of 130 to 270)